Monday, August 31, 2009

What I like best about...

Elly wanted to play a game called, "What I like best about ____ is ____!" Here is a recap of the game.

Aunt Sara - she has a cute style
Uncle Jack - brave
Aunt Kristin - nice
Uncle Donnie - always loses his phone
Gam - has a light up bath tub
Bo - has a lake house
Uncle Logan - has a goofy, goofy brother
Aunt Jodi - she's skinny
Nana - silly
Papaw - always brings us stuff every time he sees us
Mommy - love
Daddy - goofy
Hayden - he has tools
Brinley - always does what I tell her
Ma - has good food
Mamoo - has suckers


Anonymous said...

This is toooooo cute! Nana

Joni Kay said...

Way too cute!! I'm still waiting for a first day of school post!?!