Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Pendergrass '08

On Election Night '08 when it seems that the country is in for a change, what better time to update friends on the recent happenings of the Pendergrass family...

Hayden had successful eye surgery on Oct. 24th. And as you would expect with most kids, he bounced back faster than his mom and dad. After his surgery was over and despite proding from his parents, he could not be convinced to change his Halloween costume from a fireman costume to a pirate, and off came his patch.

Which brings us to Halloween Week. Yes, I said week not night, because with 3 kids there seems to be an endless series of Halloween parties. This meant many trips taking Hannah Montana, Fireman, and Snow White all over North Knoxville! It all ended on Halloween night with a cookout with friends that turned quickly into a mad dash for sweets, and ended with Becca sick on the bathroom floor!! (no pics of this included)

So Fall is starting off very eventful, but we would not have it any other way! Well except for the stomach bug that was passed around to EVERYONE in the family over 3 days!

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