Friday, December 19, 2008

Hanging out with a fellow blogger

So what does a Dad do when he is kicked out of his own house so that a bunch of Moms can have a Mom only Christmas party?....... Find a fellow Dad in the same situation and hope to survive the night!!! Turns out it ended up being a great night and the kids, all 5 of them, had a blast! Thanks to my fellow blogger for inviting us over to his house. Seems our wives have been too busy going to Christmas parties and Moms Night Outs to help us blog!!!

Where are the dads?
Who's going to clean up this mess?

I can see you.....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Did we REALLY visit Santa?

It was a cold and snowy day so we decided to take the kids to the mall to get out some energy. We would have included pictures of the kids playing in the snow, but seeing as they lasted all of 5 minutes, we only have pictures of Brinley who had no choice but to pose in the cold! Kids are so soft these days................

As it turns out, Monday Mornings are a good time to see Santa... No waiting in line!! However, with the monopoly 1 old beared man has on pictures, the prices are outrageous!! (can't really have 2 competing Santas in the same mall... or could you????) So a collective decision was made to have a "meet and great" with Santa, but no pictures. So the actual meeting will forever be just a memory. But for scapbooking sake, we do have "before" and "after" pictures!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Making Daddy Proud!!!

Nothing makes a daddy more proud than seeing his only son playing with dolls and wearing lipstick!!!

Fall Park Day

Hanging out with our best friends............

Sunday, November 16, 2008

1st Annual Christmas Getaway??

We, meaning Becca and Bill, have just returned from a weekend getaway to the mountains.... WITHOUT kids!!!!!!!! Joined on this weekend by Sara, Jack, Kristin and Donnie..... but did I mention NO kids!!! It was a cold, wet, snowy weekend but a very relaxing way to spend the past 48 hours. So relaxing in fact, that all involved have decided to make this a new family tradition. However, there was concern raised over the wear and tear on the Grandparents as the number of grandchildren continues to grow!! (Well only if the other 2 couples ever start having kids... so this probably won't be an issue anytime soon!!)

So after a leisurely late morning breakfast, we did finally rescue Becca's parents from the pandemonium of our 3 kids. Upon picking them up it was visibly unclear who was more worn out.... kids or grandparents. Needless to say all involved took a long nap this afternoon. (as seen below) Now it is back to reality for the Pendergrass orphanage and trust me, the kids immediately returned to normality this evening as the dinner/bath/bed times issues picked up where they left off last Friday!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Pendergrass '08

On Election Night '08 when it seems that the country is in for a change, what better time to update friends on the recent happenings of the Pendergrass family...

Hayden had successful eye surgery on Oct. 24th. And as you would expect with most kids, he bounced back faster than his mom and dad. After his surgery was over and despite proding from his parents, he could not be convinced to change his Halloween costume from a fireman costume to a pirate, and off came his patch.

Which brings us to Halloween Week. Yes, I said week not night, because with 3 kids there seems to be an endless series of Halloween parties. This meant many trips taking Hannah Montana, Fireman, and Snow White all over North Knoxville! It all ended on Halloween night with a cookout with friends that turned quickly into a mad dash for sweets, and ended with Becca sick on the bathroom floor!! (no pics of this included)

So Fall is starting off very eventful, but we would not have it any other way! Well except for the stomach bug that was passed around to EVERYONE in the family over 3 days!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Family Photo Shoot

What a fun and tiring hour and a half. Our first family pictures as a family of 5. I have discovered it is virtually impossible to have all 3 kids looking and smiling at the camera at the same time. I had thought Brinley would do great because she is such an easy going baby, well that was partly true. Apparently she was wanting to be in the limelight and was not happy unless she was getting pictures done by herself. Hayden was over it all after about 25 minutes and it took chocolate marshmallows to get him to sit for the next 25 minutes. We even had to start throwing them at him to get him to laugh. Elly was a trooper and stayed strong the entire time. She was very excited about getting her 5 year old pictures done. Needless to say we all took very long naps that afternoon. Here are some of our favorite pictures (bloopers included).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Caving In

After much resistance I have finally caved in to my husbands requests and am now an official blogger. Not sure how often I will do it, but maybe now he will leave me alone about it. We are enjoying fall break. The kids have had lots of fun with all 4 grandparents and great grandmas. It was nice to have a "night off". Funny how even though you still have one kid at home it is a night off, never would have been saying that 5 years ago! We are getting ready for Hayden's eye surgery and I am a little worried about it. More worried about the fit he is going to throw when he won't be able to get his chocolate milk when we have to wake him up EARLY in the morning. We'll keep you updated. Elly continues to amaze us with the things she is learning and making, preschool rocks!! Brinley is getting so big and army crawling. She is getting used to veggies, loves sweet potatoes and carrots, not so sure about squash and green beans. They keep us busy for sure, but what a blast we have. Parenthood is awesome.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Fun

Fall is upon us and full of many different adventures... Birthday Parties, Pumpkin Patches, Fall Feativals, Soccer Games, Camping, and much much more. Time seems to be flying by as all the little ones keep getting older one birthday at a time. The weather change is also well appreciated, (at least until we get our first heating bill, thanks TVA!!). We are also trying to grow some winter grass for the kids which is an adventure for those without green thumbs.

Friday, September 19, 2008

She Still Won't......

Yep. It's going on 2 months and Becca has yet to join the blogging community...... She's still complaining she does not have time with 3 kids, sunday school lessons, birthday parties, cleaning house, pre-school, soccer, choir....... Blah, Blah, Blah

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We're Back

We have all SURVIVED our latest trip to Nashville. Bill went to get educated while Becca and the kids went to see the Grandmas. So when I say WE, I also mean the grandmas survived the trip. Now we are just weather watching to see if Dollywood is an option in the AM.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Here we go.....

This will be the Pendergrass Family's first attempt at blogging. This will hopefully become a team adventure, however it is starting out TOP SECRET. See, the wife is very anti-blog. It has something to due with having three kids, a house to maintain, and a husband that just makes things worse. Somehow, she just doesn't feel she could fit blogging into that mix. (Funny how MOPS fits in 3, if not 4 days a week!)